Time-resolved cathodoluminescence imaging

Use time-resolved CL to unlock the decay trace and lifetime of your photon emitter. Additionally, you can conduct a comprehensive analysis of the photon distribution over time to gain detailed insights into your semiconductor or quantum material.

list-arrow Perform lifetime imaging and g(2) imaging

list-arrow Get insights into intrinsic material properties, nanoscale quality, and defects

list-arrow Study the quantum nature of light and single-photon emitters

list-arrow Pump-probe cathodoluminescence imaging


Extract your photon emitter lifetime

Enable decay trace imaging on your SPARC system by adding the LAB Cube detector module, performing time-correlated single-photon counting and g(2) imaging. Acquire the decay trace and extract the lifetime of your photon emitter. This can be used to gain deeper insights into materials such as semiconductor material for optoelectronic devices, rare earth-doped material for scintillators, and nanomaterials.


Observe the photon distribution over time

Gain insights into photon distribution over time by performing g(2) imaging using the LAB Cube module and a pulsed electron beam inside your SEM. Observe coherent CL, antibunching for quantum emitters, or bunching for incoherent emitters. 


Time-resolved CL with LAB Cube


Time-resolved CL

g(2) mapping data on InGaN/GaN nanorods. Image courtesy of Dr. Sophie Meuret (AMOLF, Amsterdam)

Lifetime CL mapping

Decay-trace histograms acquired on an InGaN quantum well LED stack. Image courtesy of Dr. Sophie Meuret (AMOLF, Amsterdam)

Time-resolved CL

g(2) measurement acquired on an InGaN wafer.

Lifetime CL mapping

Decay trace for a YAG:Ce3+ scintillator.

Time-resolved CL

Instrument response function at 5 and 30 kV for a pulsed electron microscope.

Interested to learn more about g(2) imaging?
Interested to learn more lifetime CL mapping?
Interested to learn more about g(2) imaging?
Interested to learn more lifetime CL mapping?
Interested to learn more lifetime CL mapping?


Explore your options

Reach out to our team of specialists to find out how our solutions can help you advance your research towards a next breakthrough.

Application areas

What can LAB Cube do for you?




Specifications sheet

Shedding light on the molecular machinery in organelle membrane and cytoskeletal protein complexes

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Image Thumbnail Technical note CL Lifetime CL imagingRES_380x215

Technical note Lifetime CL mapping

Learn about lifetime mapping to identify a material defect and to characterize materials

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Blog UV emitters

Probing UV emitter performance using time-resolved cathodoluminescence

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Technical note Time-resolved

Learn about time-resolved cathodoluminescence imaging

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2021_Time-resolved CL_Webinars_ResourceLib_380x215

Webinar Time-resolved

Learn about CL imaging, properties of light, the dynamics in materials and time-resolved imaging techniques

Watch now