Protect your sample against ice contamination

Our research indicates that nearly 40% of cryo samples become contaminated with ice. The crystalline ice formed on or within the sample can obscure the region of interest and significantly lower the cryo-EM data quality. The CERES Clean Station protects your precious sample against ice formation, enabling you to capture high-resolution structures.

Advantages of CERES sample preparation

list-arrow Moisture-free cryo-EM sample preparation

list-arrow Better sample preservation

list-arrow Ice-contamination free lamellae


Clean and moisture-free cryo-EM sample preparation

Prepare your cryo-EM samples in the highly effective CERES Clean Station, which provides a clean and moisture-free (< 0.01% water) environment, facilitating the preparation of grids for single particle analysis (SPA) or cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET). The station consists of three modules specifically designed for cryo AutoGrid assembly, shuttle loading, and cassette loading.


Explore your options

Reach out to our team of specialists to find out how the CERES Clean Station can make your sample preparation process more comfortable and more effective.


Innovating with experts in the field


“With these powerful tools, we were able to streamline the cryo-FIB/SEM automation process. Since there is no contamination visible, we were able to polish our lamellae automatically to a thickness of less than 150 nm.”

Dr. Sebastian Tacke Max Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology

Read full story

“In the TEM, contamination used to appear during tilt series acquisition, masking exposure areas and disrupting tracking focus. With the Clean Station, the entire surface of the lamellae is available for imaging, eliminating these issues.”

Jean Daraspe Université de Lausanne (UNIL)

Looking forward together

Company Logo - Strubi
Company Logo - Munster University
Company Logo - SPring 8
Company Logo - MPI Molecular Physiology


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Brochure System specifications

Contamination free cryo-EM sample preparation

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Webinar Sample protection

Minimizing sample contamination in cryo-ET with Delmic's CERES Ice Defence System

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Blog Cryo-ET

Preventing ice contamination in the cryo-ET workflow

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