Obtain more quantitative insights

Easily obtain nanometer resolution details over larger areas using FAST-EM, a high-throughput automated multibeam electron microscope. Transform your research from qualitative to quantitative and obtain more reliable insights by taking sample heterogeneity into account. Explore the sub-organelle details of healthy and diseased tissues, analyze organisms at different development phases, or visualize the effects of gene therapies.

Advantages of FAST-EM

list-arrow Image large areas faster with high-resolution

list-arrow Study both tissue contexts and ultrastructure details

list-arrow Boost your research with novel reliable insights


Capture larger volumes for vEM

Capture larger volumes in a significantly shorter timespan in your volume-electron microscopy (vEM) workflow using FAST-EM. Open doors to ambitious and ever-larger projects. What questions would you be able to answer from the full connectome of a model organism, a 3D atlas of a zebrafish, or a full volumetric survey of a tumor?


Ultra-fast multibeam acquisition

Using state-of-the-art optical Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM) and sample collection on scintillators, FAST-EM can employ 64 electron beams scanned in parallel over the sample. This innovative approach significantly speeds up the image acquisition time, ensuring fast and efficient data collection. Coupled with automatic stitching, you can study the context and ultrastructural details of your sample all at once.


User-friendly and automated operation

Designed in collaboration with ThermoFisher, Technolution, and TU Delft, FAST-EM transforms the electron microscopy workflows. The image quality, reliability, and degree of automation enable you to shift your focus microscope operation to extract meaningful conclusions from your data using CATMAID and Webknossos as compatible data viewing platforms.


Imaging with FAST-EM



FAST-EM image of a human airway epithelial (HAE) cell layer infected with the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2. Scale bar: 10 μm. Sample courtesy of Thomas Burgoyne and Andreia Pinto (University College London, UK)

Cell biology

Zebrafish of ~105 hpf imaged at a 4 nm pixel size, providing a context of different organs and the possibility to zoom into sub-organelle morphological details. Scalebar: 50 μm. Sample courtesy of Peter Duinkerken and Ben Giepmans (University Medical Center Groningen, NL), Arent Kievits, Elizabeth Caroll, and Jacob Hoogenboom (Technical University of Delft, NL).

Cell biology

Mitochondria in the rat kidney automatically segmented using a finetuned MitoNet, Empanada. Scale bar: 10 μm. Sample courtesy of Nalan Liv (University of Utrecht, NL).


Field image of rat pancreas. Data captured using FAST-EM. Scalebar: 10 μm. Sample courtesty of B.N.G. Giepmans and P. de Boer (UMCG).

Developmental biology

Annelid worm tissue –OTO stained. Scale bar: 10 μm.  Sample courtesy of Karol Malota (University of Silesia, PL)


Mouse brain with cross sections of neurons. Scale bar: 20 μm.  Sample courtesy of Jeff Lichtman group & R. Schalek (Harvard University, US).

Interested to learn how FAST-EM expands the insights into infectious diseases?
Interested to you can accelerate quantitative assessments with deep learning?
Interested to learn how you can speed up your research with innovative automated sample preparation?
Interested to learn how you can speed up your research with innovative automated sample preparation?


Explore your options

Reach out to our team of specialists to find out how our solutions can help you advance your research towards a next breakthrough.


Trusted by researchers in the field


“With FAST-EM, we can go to larger volumes. For instance, it could be used for a full model animal brain to map out all the neurons' connections.”

Dr. Jacob P. Hoogenboom Faculty of Applied Sciences, TU Delft

Read full story

“We typically don’t take 3D images because if you have a large area, it takes us 6 hours for one 2D image. If you want to have a thousand sections, it will take a year. If you now have a very fast microscope, we can go for 3D imaging within a week of such a section.”

Ben Giepmans, Principal Investigator University Medical Center Groningen

Read full story

Collaborating with trusted partners

Company Logo - TU Delft
Company Logo - Thermofisher Scientific
Company Logo - Technolution
Company Logo - TU Delft
Company Logo - Thermofisher Scientific
Company Logo - Technolution
Company Logo - TU Delft
Company Logo - Thermofisher Scientific
Company Logo - Technolution



Brochure System specifications

Transform your biological research with large-area imaging at the nanoscale

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Whitepaper Large-scale EM

Assess mitochondrial morphology quantitatively with large-scale electron microscopy and deep learning

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Webinar Human diseases

Electron Microscopy: Uncovering the Inner Workings of Human Diseases

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Webinar High-throughput EM

High throughput imaging with Delmic’s new FAST-EM system

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Blog Volume-EM

Increasing the throughput of volume electron microscopy with FAST-EM

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Blog Sample preparation

Array tomography workflow: tips and tricks on section handling from researchers in the field

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