
Get in-depth insights into structures of proteins

Resolve microorganisms and their organelles in their near-native state without the risky cryo sample transfer steps. By performing a streamlined cryo-ET workflow, you can study the complex structures of bacteria and fungi with minimum effort and cost.

Check our cryo-CLEM solutions
What we can help you to achieve
  • Determine the structure of proteins at high resolution with in-situ imaging
  • Study the subcellular functions of bacteria, fungi and archaea at ease
  • Observe biological structures better in 3D at near atomic resolution
  • Generate high quality lamellae with the minimized damaging transfer steps
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Characterize microbes with in situ cryo-correlated light and electron microscopy

Recent studies have proved the power of cryo-electron tomography (cryo-ET) on acquiring high-resolution three-dimensional biological structures of microorganisms. Not only has it been successfully used to get a better understanding of how proteins act in their natural environment, such as flagellar motor systems, it is also a great tool to characterize and get an overview of the different chemosensory architectures in various bacteria.

While cryo-ET opens up the possibility to study the complex microorganic structures and functions in depth, the complex 

workflow is awaiting to be improved in order to boost productivity and maximize sample yield. The integrated cryo-correlated light and electron microscopy (cryo-CLEM) is the most advanced solution to date to simplify the traditional cryo-ET workflow, by allowing simultaneous coincident imaging with three beams: electrons, ions and photons. With effortless switching between fluorescence light microscope (FLM)  and focused ion beam/scanning electron microscope (FIB/SEM),  you can take full control of the in situ imaging and identify regions of interest (ROI) anytime during or after lamellae milling.

What can you achieve with integrated cryo-CLEM?

The integrated cryo-CLEM solution allows you to obtain high-resolution structural data of microorganisms in a streamlined cryo-ET workflow. By integrating a FLM into your FIB/SEM chamber, you no longer need to transfer your fragile cryo samples between FLM and SEM. Not only are time and effort saved with the integration, but your precious microorganic samples are less exposed to the risks of sample damage and ice contamination . With our CERES  Ice Defence System reinforcing the sample protection throughout the workflow, your sample yield will be dramatically increased. 

  • Get biological lamellae in 7 simple fabrication steps
  • Gain freedom in ROI identification during in situ imaging
  • Obtain maximum insights of microorganisms and their organelles
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METEOR (fluorescent light microscope) image of a 1 μm thick lamella of yeast overexpressing eGFP-Ede1 with the SEM image (left) overlaid. Images courtesy of A. Bieber, C. Capitanio and O. Schioetz (MPI Biochemistry)
MPI Martinsried_Website

METEOR has the potential to drastically improve our sample yield, especially when dealing with bright and abundant fluorescence targets. Anyone who wants to perform correlative cryo-FIB milling can benefit from an integrated FLM system...

Anna Bieber and Cristina Capitanio


Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry

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Use the right products to get the right results

Delmic user-friendly and reliable cryo systems will help you to dramatically increase sample yield, obtain high quality, powerful data much faster and allow you to understand intermolecular interaction and protein structures better.

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