
Observe how neurons act at ease

Understand the function of a neuron and resolve molecular architecture of neurons in the near-native state to know more about the morphology with in-situ cryo-correlative light and electron microscopy (cryo-CLEM).

Check our cryo-CLEM solutions
What we can help you to achieve
  • Prepare high-quality neural lamellae to gain deep insights easily
  • Identify specific cell types in the brain with in situ cryo-CLEM
  • Analyze brain tissue with quantitative high-resolution imaging data

Gain insight into the nervous system at an atomic resolution with in situ cryo-CLEM

Neurodegenerative diseases affect millions of people worldwide. It occurs when neuronal cells in the brain or peripheral nervous system lose function over time, however the molecular architecture of a lot of neurons still remains unclear, such as the structure of α-Synuclein aggregation, a hallmark of Parkinson’s Disease. Cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-ET) is proved to be a powerful tool to investigate how organelles link to each other and how fibrils interact with membranes within neurons at high resolution.

While the traditional cryo-ET workflow is complicated and thus non-efficient, the integrated cryo-CLEM solution by Delmic offers the opportunity to perform in situ cryo-CLEM with the least transfer steps and ice contamination. Researchers are empowered to trace neurons over large distances and identify regions of specific neuronal cell types or automatic detection of areas of interest, with effortless switching between fluorescence light microscope (FLM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM).

What can you achieve with integrated cryo-CLEM?

The integrated cryo-CLEM solution allows you to obtain high-resolution structural data of neurons in a streamlined cryo-ET workflow. By integrating a fluorescence light microscope(FLM) into your FIB/SEM chamber, you no longer need to transfer your fragile cryo samples between FLM and SEM. Not only are time and effort saved with the integration, but your precious neural samples from animals or even patients are less exposed to the risks of sample damage. Together with our CERES Ice Defence System protecting your samples from ice contamination at every step of the workflow, your sample yield will be dramatically increased. 

  • Generate neural lamellae in only 7 fabrication steps
  • Map the connectivity of the brain with the simplified in situ imaging
  • Understand neurodegenerative diseases with quantitative imaging data
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Image of projection neurons in songbird brain under a correlative light and electron microscope. Imaging was performed using the SECOM platform (DELMIC) mounted on a Thermo Fisher Quanta 250 FEG SEM.
MPI Martinsried_Website

METEOR has the potential to drastically improve our sample yield, especially when dealing with bright and abundant fluorescence targets. Anyone who wants to perform correlative cryo-FIB milling can benefit from an integrated FLM system...

Anna Bieber and Cristina Capitanio


Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry

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Use the right products to get the right results

Delmic user-friendly and reliable cryo systems will help you to dramatically increase sample yield, obtain high quality, powerful data much faster and allow you to understand intermolecular interaction and protein structures better.

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